
Product Table

Manage your products easily. Add, edit, and delete items in your catalog. Use "Add Product" to create new entries, "Edit" to modify existing ones, and "Delete" to remove products. Sort and filter options available for quick access. Enjoy hassle-free management with our user-friendly interface.

@php $i=1; @endphp @if($products->isEmpty()) @else @foreach($products as $key => $product) {{-- --}} @endforeach @endif
Sl No. (#)Product Id Photo Product Name Category Price Stock Action
No products available
{{$i++}} #PID00{{ $product->id }}{{ $key + 1 }} @foreach(explode(',', $product->images) as $image) PRODUCT @endforeach {{ $product->name }} @if($product->category) {{ $product->category->category }} @endif ${{ $product->price }} {{ $product->stock }}
@csrf @method('PATCH')
{{-- --}}
@csrf @method('DELETE')